Customs is the leading border enforcement agency of SIG, with responsibility to protect our borders, assess and collect revenue and facilitate trade.  Customs Officers are honest, trustworthy and perform their duties to high professional standards.   
SICED values integrity and has an Integrity Officer which is a requirement under the AntiCorruption Act 2018, section 34 which states that public bodies must designate a person to be its integrity officer.  This position reports directly to the Comptroller.  Therefore, concerns reported through this avenue is privy only to the Integrity Officer and the Comptroller. 

If a member of the public wants to report any concerns of integrity or other matter involving officers or traders, you can send an email to this address  Emails sent through will be vetted thus, we strongly encourage you to provide as much information as you can including; specific details of the matter, names of parties involved, dates, locations, witnesses, any evidence such as documents, photos, videos and any other details that may help. It would assist us if you please identify yourself with a contact number where you can be reached for any follow up questions during the investigation. 

 We safeguard the identities of those who send in concerns of integrity so all emails are treated in strict confidence.